
A lot of organisations are active in open transport and are doing a lot of (sometimes duplicated) work on local level, national level and international level. These initiatives are doing technical work, legal work, lobbying, coordination, and so on. The limits local and national initiatives are facing today  is that open transport is a problem that can only  be fixed on an international level.

We don’t need another organisation that will fix technical problems, we only need a working group which coordinates and brings together initiatives world-wide who are striving towards the same goal: a well-informed travel experience.



Our Projects


One response to “About”

  1. Sylvia Green says:

    My name is Sylvia. I study civil engineering at the University of Waterloo in Canada. I’m starting a project which is to create temporary protected bicycle lane pilots in Canada. I am in the beginning stages of the project, but would eventually like to make data open when I can (ridership, safety etc) and accessible by posting it on the project website, making approachable visualizations etc.

    I am lacking the technical side. I am wondering if someone in this group who has expertise in the area that they would be willing to share (at the point when there is data to post).


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